Teaching Philosophy

A teacher/educator is one of the career where we can share our knowledge and experiences. My teaching philosophy is that i hope that i can share everything that i know every experience i have gain with my students. Teaching and learning process does not involve only to know the theories, but the student have to experience themselves,observes and making conclusions for them to truly understand the concepts of science. That is why, me as an educator will make sure that every students will have their chance to do a hands-on activity so that each of them will have chances to experience themselves rather than few of them experience while the others only observing. Lastly, I hope that I will educate the students based on their individual preference with the hopes none will be left behind. Every students have different types of acceptance. Some may digest the knowledge by visual, some by reading, or by hearing. I hope that i can fulfill their preference by being their friends ( I mean teacher-friend? haha) so that they can be open up to me, where they can share their problems in learning, and their preference with me.

Last but not least, I hope I can be a good teacher/educator that are sincerely teaching the students like Teacher Ann in a Thailand movie titled Teacher's Diary.