WEEK 3: WIX and Power Point

In the week 3, Wix was introduced. Its quite the same as blogspot. It has lots of features, you can choose any background, any theme, fonts and color that you think suits you.

The advantages of using wix to make your own blog is that:

  1. Site configuration and Onboarding: the interface is simple and fairly intuitive
  2. Updated design templates
  3. High speed and security
The disadvantages of wix:

  1. Apps & extension: some apps does not really work
  2. Long-term pricing
 Those are advantages and disadvantages that I found from the internet. For me personally, I would prefer to use blogspot. It is more user friendly rather than WIX. Even though WIx offer so many features, they makes me confused since there are a lots of things that going on there. So I prefer to use blogspot more.

Other than WIX, there were also presentation on how to use Microsoft Office Power Point. Since we have been using the Power Point a lot, so most of the content from the presentation are so familiar. So, it is good to actually hear someone presents on power point. Definitely will use the Power Point more after this.