Week 6: Prezi

Prezi is actually a kind of mind mapping, but presentable application that you can just use via online. It will zoom in the information one by one following the steps set by the creator. Nor Atikah had taught step by step on how to use prezi. If I know about this application earlier, I would definitely use it to create my presentation slides, so that I can use it to presents topic I have been assigned. Using Prezi to make presentations is actually more organized compared to Power Point as you actually can view it as the whole. Therefore, you can actually see the real connection of certain concept to other concept. To read further information of that concept, you can just click next, then it will zoom in the information for you to read it. However, since it an online application, you are required to have a full access to the internet to prepare it, and also to present it. So, maybe in certain places or schools, you might not be able to use Prezi.