Week 8: Plickers and Microsoft Excel

Plickers is a very interesting applications to be use in the class. it is very useful when you want to make the quiz very interesting in the class. it involves a flashcard-barcode-like card to be printed. where each of the card are unique for each student. when the question created in the Plickers presented on the screen, the student will reveal their answer by pull out their card. the teacher, will scan each of the student's answer, the the statistic of the answer will revealed each of the student's answer and their progress. to me, this applications is very useful as it can prevent the student from copy each other answer (cheating). it is also time saving where teacher will not have to do marking for each of student's paper answer. I personally, will very excited to start using this applications in the class, and practice it with my students.

Microsoft Excel on the other hand is very useful when you want to manage data. with excel, you can make calculation, graphs, charts and etc for the data collected. Usually, I use excel when I want to transfer the data collected from the questionnaires created in the form GoogleDocs. those datas will then transfered into SPSS, and analyzed. In schools, Excel usually used when the teachers want to managed student's progress on their assessments for the whole year. Therefore, it is very useful to learn on how to use Microsoft Excel.