Week 7: Powtoon, XMind, Mendeley

Powtoon is another application that allows you to do a slides, however it is more 'visualistic' than Prezi and Power point. Powtoon is an interesting apps where you can insert moving pictures, music and you can set it to play as movies. Sometimes, it is quite boring to only read lots of words in slide presentation. so, what Powtoon do is that it attract the listener with the cartoons, presentable background and even music to make it less boring. However, since it is an online application, you need to have a full access of internet. Some of the features are not free where you need to pay in order to use it, to download and to publish. So the features are limited.

XMind can be really helpful when you required to make a short notes on a concept. XMind is very helpful to make charts and mind maps. if we used the tradisional ways, by making charts and mind maps, you will probably lose your temper as you really need to be patient to do the mind maps. By using this XMind apps, where you can download it, making mind maps is not that impossible anymore. There are books sold out there which just containing mind maps. SO, you dont have to waste your money, you can just download the apps free from the internet, and make your own mind map based on what you understand. When I was one of the SPM candidates, I remember buying the mind map book. Truthfully, there are some of the maps that i cannot understand. So it is easier for you to make the connections of the concepts on your own. As educator, XMind will be very useful, where you can do the mind maps to help the students better understand the concept, or you can make it as exercises to the student so that they can make their own mind maps, and you can recheck their mind maps whether they trully understand the concept.

Mendeley is very helpful to every final year student, also to the postgraduate student. Mendeley helps you to organize your references. You dont have to manually list all of your references used in the thesis anymore. Mendeley will helps you to list the bibliography in APA style automatically without leaving a single references. Mendeley also helps you to search for related topics of research paper easily. So, at the end, Mendeley helps you to be more organized, cut you time and cost.